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Adult $10
Couple $20
Families $25 (unlimited children u/18, same household group)
Show entrance
Free to members.
Family of 2 adults and 2 High School Children $30. High school student $5.
Non-Member Adult $10.
Under 12 free.
Senior Card $5
Rodeo entrance
At Gate Sales:
Adults $20
Under 12 free
High school $15
Family $55 (2ad 2Highschool)
Senior Card $10

Pavilion/Canteen hire: $200
Canteen only: $150
Grass Arena: $150
Community Group Meeting- Free, no cold room access. Fridge available.
Sand Arena- $200/day, access to toilets, includes yards.
Sand and Grass Arena: $250
Sand Arena and Pavilion/Canteen hire: $300
Entire Grounds: $1000
**These prices are subject to each hire agreement

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